We are an organization born in South America to provide solutions to environmental issues in this region. We work  with a regional and integrating vision for the conservation of nature and human development in the Amazon basin. We put our e xperience and expertise at the service of individuals, initiatives or organizations whose common interest is the collective welfare and conservation of the planet.

At the Foundation for Conservation and Sustainable Development (FCDS) we began our work in Colombia in 2011 with the objective of contributing to the sustainable and equitable development of human populations in the Amazon, mainly rural populations, in harmony with the conservation of nature and the social characteristics of the territories.

Throughout these years we have specialized in the continuous monitoring and analysis of environmental and social dynamics, the generation of technical information for decision making, the management of socio-environmental conflicts in border areas, the strengthening of governance, the promotion of sustainable economic activities and land use planning. We also address the planning and management of impacts associated with development projects and the combat and reduction of illegal activities that influence degradation and deforestation in the Amazon.

We create and propose tools to build solutions. Therefore, we promote and guide dialogue spaces with a multi-stakeholder and multi-level methodology, that is, we work with national and local government entities, communities, the private sector and civil society in the countries of the Amazon biome, particularly in Colombia, Peru and part of Brazil.

Our history

Our organization was founded in 2011 by Rodrigo Botero, general director of FCDS. During his more than 30 years of work in the Amazon he has contributed his knowledge in forest conservation, land use planning, protected areas, public policy monitoring and sustainable use of natural resources.
Throughout its history, FCDS has been able to involve international cooperation in strategies for strengthening the state in marginal and conflict zones and planning road infrastructure in environmentally sensitive areas.
The FCDS, through its geographic information systems, provides information for land use conflict resolution and regional planning in the Amazon.
In 2021, with the objective of continuing to strengthen the regional vision to harmonize the protection of nature and the socioeconomic progress of the people, Botero promoted the creation of the FCDS in Peru with actions carried out in Madre de Dios and Loreto, our organization currently contributes to the management of the entire Peruvian Amazon and its transboundary landscapes.

Our Mission

FCDS contributes to the sustainable and equitable economic development of human populations, especially rural populations, in harmony with the conservation of the natural base and the social characteristics of the territories.

Our Purpose

We collectively transform realities and environments for the common good and the conservation of the Earth.

Thematic lines

Our activities are framed in the following areas: 


The work we are developing employs three approaches:





Human Rights

Partners and allies