Raul Bello
Local Alliances Coordinator
Biologist-zoologist from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, with a master's degree in Forest Resources Conservation from the Universidad Agraria La Molina. Director of the Kawsay Biological Station and holder of a conservation concession in Madre de Dios. He has more than 15 years of experience in rehabilitation, breeding and management of wild animals. He works in the area of primatology, conservation, monitoring, research, behavior, environmental education; elaboration, follow-up of projects and management documents with private and governmental organizations.
He has a Diploma in Conservation of Natural Resources from the National University of Trujillo. In addition, he is a Wildlife Regent and Specialist (Serfor). He also works as a logistic and technical manager for different researchers and organizations. He is a national and international lecturer in the area of primate conservation and reintroduction. Organizer of courses, workshops, symposiums for continuing education and instructor in specialized topics in primatology. Licensed to operate drones (RPA), handling equipment and tools such as radio telemetry and sensor cameras. He has several publications related to the conservation and reintroduction of spider monkeys (Ateles chamek) in the southeastern Peruvian Amazon. He has been working at FCDS Peru since 2022.